«Of those evaluated, Bacula Enterprise was the only product that worked with HPSS out-of-the-box without vendor development, provided multi-user access, had encryption compliant with FIPS, did not have a capacity-based licensing model, and was available within budget», – Gustaf J Barkstrom, Systems Administrator at SSAI (NASA Langley contractor).

«Bacula has got excellent customer support and they have always answered and resolved issues promptly. Bacula’s had a very positive impact on our ROI. Very well priced for the functionalities that Bacula provides as a backup and restore utility», – Amit Sontakey, Sr. Systems Administrator at Siemens.

«With Bacula Enterprise, I get a great virtual and physical backup solution in one, plus fast restore ability in an environment where uptime is paramount. The modularity of this solution is highly appreciated for the flexibility it brings us.», – Jonathan Kernan, DevOps System Engineer at Sky.

Why choose us


  • conversations-4872_af60b258-251e-41af-b238-dfb706d7b3d4

    Professional Support

    We can resolve many typical backup system setup and maintenance issues remotely and dramatically reduce downtime.

  • diploma-2983_a6bb0b64-dbc1-431e-ac00-a83597982a0

    Experts in Backup

    We have gained experience in a wide spectrum of backup technologies and their application to specific client and industry requirements.

  • messaging-app-4876_473fc710-9ecc-4785-9e78-8c9f00ae9498

    No Geek Speak

    You deserve to have your questions answered in plain English. Our technicians will clearly explain what is happening so you understand.

  • flag-2979_1fd1d414-4b4f-4887-a94a-493ba8e0b0c7

    Business Savvy

    We design, evaluate and justify backup solutions from a thorough understanding of the business benefit for your company.

  • happy-emoji-2947_45d5bb03-c67d-4e73-a316-a5e7f4a9f2f7

    Backup 1-Stop Shop

    We handle all aspects of your backup infrastructure including hardware, software, storage media and any other related technology needs.

  • source-code-1900_d2c3a8cb-9d49-47a9-aa2d-152f24e446d6

    Open Source and Secure

    Bacula is based on open source code, so you can always understand what’s inside. It is designed in the most secure way against ransomware and other threats.

Stop wasting time and money on expensive and inefficient backup technologies. Explore our company.

How It Works


  • Let’s Talk

    We’ll chat about your IT environment and technical requirements, how you would use our technology, and what you want to get out of it.

  • Proof-of-Concept

    To confirm that Bacula is the right fit technically, we’ll organize a free proof-of-concept project in your IT environment.

  • Best Pricing Options

    If the proof-of-concepts confirms the technical fit, we’ll choose the license type that is most cost-effective for your organization.